Spello is known as one of the beautiful Italian villages, ideal for discovering great Renaissance masterpieces, marvelous mosaics play, and hidden treasures in Italy. This small town village is located in the Umbria region between Assisi and Foligni, is part of the club of "The Most Beautiful Villages of Italy" due to its significant environmental, cultural and artistic heritage.

A town that still lets you imagine, in its architecture, its history and its roots, Spello is a small hamlet that welcomes visitors with alleys and views of rare beauty, softened in spring and summer by the bright colours of the many vases of flowers that adorn the historic centre. "The 'flower capital', the Umbrian village is famous for its Corpus Domini Infiorata, when its streets are transformed into a spectacular carpet of flowers stretching for over a kilometre and a half.
Strolling through the heart of the village, one's gaze will be enchanted by the traces of the past: the walls with their well-preserved gates, the ancient stone houses, the remains of the theatre, amphitheatre and thermal baths, everything is a tale of stone and magic, to be listened to attentively and lulled by. Around the town, hills and woods as only Umbria can offer, intense and fragran, welcoming like an embrace.
